英语MBA论文基本格式 写作技巧分析




选题是论文撰写成败的关键。因为选题是论文撰写的第一步,它实际上就是确定“写什么”的问题,亦即确定科学研究的方向。如果“写什么”不明确,“怎么写”就无从谈起。 好的论文选题应具有先进性、前瞻性和创造性,在一定程度上还要有可实现性。其具体含义如下:



创造性:研究方法、提出的概念、实验结果较前人有所进步和改进或有重大突破。 同时选题要符合以下原则:











3、明确论点和选定材料。在研究资料的基础上,要提出自己的观点和见解,根据选题确立基本论点和分论点。提出的自己的观点要突出新创见,创新是灵魂,不能只是重复前人或人云亦云。同时,还要防止贪大求全的倾向,生怕不完整,大段地复述已有的知识。那就体现不出自己研究的特色和成果了。 根据已确立的基本论点和分论点选定材料,这些材料是自己在对所搜集的资料加以研究的基础上形成的。组织材料要注意掌握科学的思维方法,注意前后材料的逻辑关系和主次关系。










1、标题(Title):论文的第一个主体就是标题。标题是以最恰当、最简明的词语反映论文中最重要的特定内容的逻辑组合。论文题目是一篇论文给出的涉及论文范围与水平的第一个重要信息,也是必须考虑到有助于选定关键词不达意和编制题录、索引等二次文献可以提供检索的特定实用信息。 论文题目十分重要,必须用心斟酌选定。有人描述其重要性,用了下面的一句话:“论文题目是文章的一半”。论文题目的基本功能是:



3)便于检索:标题是检索论文的重要索引,好的论文标题有利于流通和传播。 标题的语言特点有:首先,标题一般只是文章的“标签”、“称呼”,不反映具体内容,一般不必用完整的句子;另外,多用名词、词组。(英文更是如此) 。 标题的写作要求是:



3)少用问题型标题。在学术论文中,问题型标题一般不多见,因为疑问型标题编制索引也比较困难。 4)尽量少用非标准化的缩略语。如果英文标题还应尽量避免名词、动名词混用。


摘要是论文的缩影,是全文的高度概括和浓缩,便于读者了解全文的梗概。摘要的语言特点:短小精悍,论文摘要必须提纲携领,言简意赅,重点突出。论文摘要的文体比较固定,一般为“三段式”结构,即:开头、展开、结尾。开头就是主题句,开门见山点出主题;展开段进一步阐明论文的内容,研究方法,分析过程及论证要点;结尾段是给全文做出结论,并指出结论的意义。 论文摘要的内容一定要完整。这主要体现在四个方面:研究的目的;


论文摘要不要列举例证,不讲研究过程,也不要作自我评价。 撰写论文摘要的常见毛病,一是照搬论文正文中的小标题(目录)或论文结论部分的文字;二是内容不浓缩、不概括,文字篇幅过长。

3、关键词(Keywords):关键词是指论文中最主要、最关键的、重复率最高的词或词组。关键词的功能在于使读者据名猜意,有助于了解全篇主旨。 关键词的语言特点有:


3)写作要求:书写规范,包括称谓、位置、书写等要符合规范,一般关键词间用逗号或分号隔开。 关键词或主题词的一般选择方法是:作者在完成论文写作后,纵观全文,选出能表示论文主要内容的信息或词汇,这些信息或词汇,可以从论文标题中去找和选,也可以从论文内容中去找和选。


引言又称前言,属于整篇论文的引论部分。其写作内容包括:研究的理由、目的、背景、前人的工作和知识空白,理论依据和实验基础,预期的结果及其在相关领域里的地位、作用和意义。 引言的文字不可冗长,内容选择不必过于分散、琐碎,措词要精炼,要吸引读者读下去。引言的篇幅大小,并无硬性的统一规定,需视整篇论文篇幅的大小及论文内容的需要来确定,长的可达700~800字或1000字左右,短的可不到100字。 5、正文


论文的正文一般结构比较固定。在写作过程中注意语义的准确性,非形象性,注意不要有感情色彩,尽量保持叙述的客观性。 论文的总体原则要求:论证严密,富有逻辑性:作者提出问题、分析问题和解决问题, 要符合客观事物的发展规律,全篇论文形成一个有机的整体, 使判断与推理言之有序, 天衣无缝。

体式明确,标注规范:论文必须以论点的形成构成全文的结构格局,以多方论证的内容组成文章丰满的整体,以较深的理论分析辉映全篇。此外,论文的整体结构和标注要求规范得体。 语言准确、表达简明:论文最基本的要求是读者能看懂。 因此, 要求文章想的清,说的明,想的深,说的透,做到深入浅出,言简意赅。





  • 图片的字体大小格式要求

通常情况下,论文撰写引用图片的字体大小格式会给出明确要求,如果有的话,我们只要根据要求来设置即可,但是也有时候教授并不会明确给出设置要求,如果是这样的话,我们只需要将图片字体大小格式按照论文正文的格式要求来做就可以了,目前最常见的格式是APA,字体格式为Times New Roman,12号大小,行距:2.0,但是需要注意的是,图片是要居中的,也就是要在论文的正中间显示出来,这个和文字引用存在着区别,大家一定要注意哦。

  • 图片的分辨率与尺寸大小


  • 图片的英文标题注释格式

出现在论文中的引用图片,大于2张以上的都要给其进行编号,比如Figure 1. 第二个图片为 Figure 2以此类推。一般编号是放在图片的上方或是下方都可以,每一张图片都需要配上相应的简短说明,同时引用的图片在正文中必须要提到,否则会你的图片引用就会显得很突兀,另外,我们在对图片进行简短说明的时候一定不要过于详细,因为关于图片的详细解说应该放在正文中。如果此图片是有版权信息的,也一定要注明,比如Copyright 228(编号)by the Statistics United States Bureau(单位或者创作者)。

  • 图片来源的注释

以目前最广泛应用的APA格式来说,图片的引用注释格式为(作家,日期)。参考列表的顺序应为:作者,日期,标题(斜体字),出版商,浏览日期和网址。例如:在论文中引用一张 RMIT building 作为第二张图片时, 文中的注释可以写为:

Figure 2 shows XXXX (Margund Sallowksy 2006).


Sallowksy, M 2006, RMIT buildings – Brunswick Campus, digital image, RMIT University, viewed 12 January 2012, <http://mams.rmit.edu.au/weixddjbxxs81.JPG>.







论文焦虑?美国留学生最怕学术写作类作业.每次快要到暑期或者放假前最后疯狂的考试周,对于每个学生来说都是一种煎熬。尤其遇见需要写大段篇幅的论文的时候,简直要崩溃了好不好,干干干,写写写,想抄不敢抄,生怕不小心被判了雷同,论文无效。可是不抄吧,又仿佛没有底气,多少有点焦虑。这焦虑一般就蕴含着两层意思。第一英文呢,不达标,不知道如何写。第二 没什么思路,根本不知道如何下手。














2.3查找中文资料,然后google translate(国外老师一眼就能看出来啊!)








Academic god小编帮大家整理了一些比较好的paper题目集锦,希望可以给留学生写作paper提供参考。

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  • Affirmative Action Juvenile Offenders
  • Alcohol Landmines
  • Alternative Medicine Legalization of Marijuana
  • Animal Experimentation & Rights Legal Drinking Age
  • Anti-Semitism Media and Terrorism
  • Bioethics Media Images of Minorities
  • Biological Weapons Media in Wartime
  • Bilingual Education Media Violence
  • Business Ethics Medical Ethics
  • Capital Punishment Medical Malpractice
  • Censorship Mental Health
  • Civil Liberties & Anti-Terrorism Measures Minimum Wage
  • Child Abuse Middle East
  • Class Action Lawsuits National Security
  • Cloning Nuclear Waste
  • Crime Victims Nuclear Weapons
  • Corporate Corruption & Responsibility Nutrition
  • Death Penalty Prescription Drug Advertising
  • Domestic Violence Political Corruption
  • Driving Under the Influence Population
  • Drug Legalization Pornography
  • Eating Disorders Poverty
  • Endangered Species Prayer in Public Schools
  • Environment Prisons
  • Euthanasia Racism
  • Evolution Rape
  • Family Relations School Violence
  • Female Genital Mutilation School Dress Code
  • Foreign Aid School Reform
  • Free Speech Sex Education
  • Freedom of the Press Sexual Harassment
  • Gambling Smoking
  • Gangs Social Security
  • Gay Marriage and Parenting Stem Cell Research
  • Gay Rights Steroids
  • Gays in the Military Suicide
  • Genetic Engineering Teenage Pregnancy
  • Global Warming Terrorism
  • Globalization War
  • Gun Control Welfare
  • Hate Crimes Women’s Rights
  • Health Care Women In The Military
  • Home Schooling Working Mothers
  • Homelessness Workplace Violence

Term paper范文:关于业务流程重组原理的思考













Produce a log or a reflective journal which shows:

An analysis of the principles of business change and business process re-engineering, and how they relate to your organisation

A description and evaluation of the concept and application of workflow patterns and usability testing in your organisation

An evaluation of three modelling tools used by you, and evidence of having tested a proposed processes through a modelling exercise

A list and analysis of factors to be taken into account when evaluating the effectiveness of business processes

Within our pre-school we use processes daily and are always looking to improve our setting and test processes. Business change is used within our pre-school to look at where we are, where we want to be, how we are going to get there, why we want to change and what measures will we need in order to succeed. I am in the process at present of completing an SDP, an SDP is a strategical development plan for the next coming year within pre-school, we look at what we want to achieve at pre-school and how we are going to achieve it. Looking at change management principles within an organisation can help you to support the people effected by change. During any kind of process communication must be used at all times in order to succeed.

Business process re-engineering is looking at your workforces and ensuring that your work force optimises the resources that you have available to you. Re-engineering is the redesigns of work flows within an organisation. When we look at business re-engineering we look to see how to get the chosen task done in the least amount of time, an example of this is Safeguarding. Safeguarding within childcare is paramount with everything you do the process constantly needs to re-engineered due to current changes and legislation, an example of this is, recently asking parents for permission or consent at our nativity play and also asking for no photos to appear on social media sites due to children’s identities being revelled. We then had to re-engineer our current set up to ensure this announcement was put in to protect the children.

Business re-engineering is an important part of rethinking and redesigning during the business process. Business improvement looks at key areas for change such a performance and then sets about to take drastic measures to enhance, speed, profitability, training, cost control and efficiency are measured.

Workflow patterns are specialised forms of design pattern for different perspectives for process aware information systems. Work flow patterns can be described as independent, interdependent or sequential. A method that can be used for testing these patterns is through usability testing, using real users and being observed by a researcher to see where they encounter problems. Scenario testing is a type of testing that can be used to test a product or process to highlight any problems they may encounter, the advantage of using this type of testing is that its real people being used for real situations or tasks and feedback can be given before a process is put into place, an disadvantage of this is that it’s not a true real life situation so would the feedback be any use to us. Another type of testing is hallway testing, using large places to set up and stop people asking them to give feedback on a product, this type of method has an advantage of the people being random so it’s very real like and people are put on the spot which could usually be very helpful and should reveal the truth, gaining better results. A disadvantage of this type of testing is that people are usually in a rush and will not want to stop to give feedback, it becomes a hard method by trying to attract people’s attention and get some results.

At pre-school I use usability testing by using trial periods of new business process ideas. When I first started at pre-school I changed the settings routine by adapting free flow play, we trialled it and spent a lot of time talking about it, looking at any weakness and talking about the benefits, the advantage of trial systems is that its testing the water before you make this change, it usually highlights any areas in need of tweaking. A disadvantage of this is that sometimes it takes time to see a huge problem and by then it is too late and in pre-school sometimes there is no room for error, an example of this could be getting the ratios wrong by trialling a new process if this happened we would be in big trouble and could cause unnecessary stress and accidents on children in the setting. In our setting with

Modelling types that I have used to look at business process and change are; brain storming and critical path an analysis. Brains storming allows a lot ideas to be involved when creating a change or business process and allows you to put down the unthinkable, however sometimes this creates a bigger picture that has more problems when we only need a quick brainstorm to address an idea or change.

A critical path allows help to plan all the tasks that must be completed as part of the process. An advantage of this is that it has clear steps and addresses the tasks that need to be achieved, although a disadvantage of this is that you have to complete the steps in order, so step 3 can’t be completed before step 2.

There are many factors to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of a business processes. Are the processes more efficient and effective? Are they helping improve our organisations performance? Is it helping me be better connected with internal and internal customers and stakeholders? Is this new way more flexible and easier? Are the helping our business objectives?

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创造力与因果循环 Creativity and Causal Loop


Part A

Introduction 简介

What is creativity? In class, we discussed this very question, and we learn that researchers studied creativity in the perspectives of creativity in geniuses and people with outstanding talents; while, on process-orientation approach, viewed creativity as a property of a thought process that can be acquired and improved through instruction and practice (Sulaiman,J., 2017). Creativity involves the use of intuition,ingenuity, insight, rather than narrowing down to“one best decision”,it is opening tocreate new possibilities, manyalternatives, outgrowth of training and experience. In modern life, people face problems in their jobs all the time,meanwhile, they lose their ability to solve the problems in creative ways due to the answers from work experiences and education that they need to solve the problems in the way they already knew. Those are the creativity blocks(Sulaiman,J., 2017). Creative block is your worst enemy, and it can come from almost anywhere. It caused the failure of creativity or innovation. We look at how to treat the problem areas, and get your ideas moving. So, when it comes to a problem that needs innovative solutions, most of us can’t really do a creative thinking, and furthermore to figure out a creative idea. To define whether an innovation is unsuccessful or failed, we need to figure out whether it provided a good influence on its user or make its innovator better in his health situation, reputation, wealth, or any other aspects in the time when the innovation has been created. In this paper, I will discuss the concepts, purpose and applications of the methods which were used in the creativity that is not successful.

Main Body 正文

As all we know, tire is an unmissable part of all kinds of vehicle, and vulcanized rubber is the basic material for the tire production. But to the innovator of this certain industrial material, Charles Goodyear (1800-1860),(Zumdahl, S.,&Zumdahl, S., 2014)to him, his innovation was not very successful: at his time, rubber is a material that is not stabilized when the temperature changed (Haven, K., and Berg, R., 1999). So Charles wanted to find a way to stabilize the rubber so it can endure the temperature changes while keep its shape (Hosler, D., Burkett, S. L., and Tarkanian, M. J, 1999). But without the help of specialized knowledge in science or chemistry, he was only able to try all the ingredient he could image, and spend massive time in his experiment (Iles, G., 1912). Although he finally figured out the right chemical process to produce stabilized rubber-vulcanized rubber, his innovation didn’t have a well-sold chance to him, and it actually “dead” at the investment and incubation approaches to creativity, since he was unable to afford the investment and he couldn’t payback the debts for the investment, so he hadbankruptcy and dead in prison at the end. Sadly, his name had been used by his debtors as the tire product brand to make and sell the tire and rubber products that had been innovated by Charles to become one of the top three tire brand all around the world after Charles dead. There are 5 types of creativity blocks in Charles’ case.

1.Constancy blocks

Constancy blocks constrain the way problems are defined that define a problem in one way and pursue only that definition to reach a solution. In this case, at the time Charles had no idea on which receipt should be used to get rubber a stable status that allows the rubber to insist the temperature changes before its boiling spot, so he kept adding new ingredients into rubber to try his luck without certain planed ideas. He only had very a few number of solutions perceived to be relevant, so he could just try millions of receipts to find what he needed, which required plenty of time, money, technique, manpower, and passion (McGuinness,M., 2017). This type of block makes the biggest obstacle to the innovation activity especially when there is no clue of what should to be done, and this obstacle normally dedicated to whether a innovation can be successful or not at the end, since the innovator has no idea nor direction of how to get the answers, the innovator has totry just everything he/she could try, and by lucky, he/she can find a clue, and may or may not get the results they need. In a conclusion, this block is every innovator need to face and solve on the very most. Like if the direction is wrong, then no matter how much effort the innovator put into his experiment, he/she will not get what he seemed to.

Practical Solutions:

Since Charles was not a chemist or a scientist, and what he desired to accomplish was fit in chemist or scientist’s job description, the specialized education in chemistry and science would probably the best shots to his dream. The knowledge in these science fields would help him to broad his view in solving creativity problems and shorting the whole processes of research and incubation in next step of creativity approaches.

2.Mental obstacles constrain the way

In Charles ‘family, his father and grandfather were all famous innovator, so the light circles on their heads certainly made Charles a burden, that he must become someone successful in innovation creation. Charles was not a chemist or a scientist, If he don’t have this burden, then he may start his career in other field, like business, and may innovate something that suit the time and most important suit his characteristics, then he may get a better chance to have a successful life, live longer, and become richer. That’s why we can always see a poor kid get rich at end, but a rich kid gets poor finally. Burden makes people doing things they don’t want to do, and the thing may not be the right thing to do (‘Charles Goodyear’. 2017).

Practical Solutions:

This one is tricky. Normally it is hard to figure out the solutions by the people themselves, since it is related to psychological and mental status. But a lateral thinking may solve the problem (Cooper,B.B., 2014).


Charles had used all his money and debts to innovate the vulcanized rubber, which but he can’t afford the scale of the investment, and at that time, he can’t get his investment back. In the time he created the vulcanized rubber, the rubber industry was struggled all around the world, due to the unstable status of rubber that become softer in warm weather and get harder in cold temperatures, in short, rubber has not been widely used in that time, nor customer-like product, so he hasn’t get investment repay quickly enough to pay back his debts.

Practical Solutions:

Poverty is very hard to deal since there are a bunch of millionaires with a millions way to get rich, but there’s no such a way to extinguish poverty. Hard working on making money, saving money, and constraining the use of money only to those necessary spending may help a bit, but no promise. Stop the blinded business expending or investment, and make sure each penny spend on the investment are well-thought and wisely, then poverty may leave away. Those action are vital to improve the financial status of a innovator (Shoor,I., 2012).

  1. Overload

Charles has faced various problems in various categories, like poverty, nine kids in house, law suits, debts, poor health status, and so on. It is important to solve the correct problem one by one in turns. If all these problems come together and all of those need to be solved at the same time, him would be overloaded for sure, and if overload happens, then his mental and physical ability to manipulate the problems is gone or almost gone (Goodyear, C. 1939). If he was not that high-pressured, he would figure out a better way to continue his innovation, a sustainable way that allows him to keep doing his innovation without go bankruptcy; or demonstrated it in another but suitable time, he may have a better situation.

Practical Solutions:

We can always say “take easy, pal”. But when it comes to ourselves, we always try to believe that we are the superman who is unbeatable. So slow down, and deal with the problem one by one, otherwise, none (May,T., 2017).

5.Compression block

Charles is a hard-working guy, and he focused on how to keep doing something but looking too narrowly at a problem without take a deep look at whether the direction of for solving problems is suitable or not. This habit is good for people doing those work requires low level of creativity, like moving guy, or room cleaners. But for an innovator or scientist, critical thinking and research plan are the most crucial part that should have been done at the beginning of their hardworking, since all of those results are very likely unknown and unpredictable and need huge time consuming (Goins,J., 2017). To most innovators, time is the most valuable resources and a vital requirement to their innovations, because if others innovate something earlier than theirs, then their creative project may mean nothing at all, and all effort wasted. This block was exactly the one caused him misjudged in fund management and debts management, and this misjudgment made him go bankruptcy and had cost his life at the end.

Practical Solutions:

Thinking out of circle. Broaden the view of solving problems, and need to filter out inaccurate, misleading or irrelevant information, so the innovator can have less constrained and limitation on solving problems (Vengoechea,X., 2017).

Conclusion 结论

In a conclusion, we can see that if an innovation activity wanted to be successful at the end, the innovator need to conquer various type of creativity blocks, and by lucky, the customers like their innovations, his/her partners didn’t betray them, and finally, their innovation get successful. If any steps went wrong, then the result may have high possibility goes fail. A strong mind and consistency mental were usually required for the great innovators. After all, people usually don’t really know what they are doing, or what they are going to do next. With the right method to think through all the creativity blocks and their corresponding solutions, we can have a better chance to be finally accomplished. And if Charles could find the solutions for his creativity blocks, he may innovate an innovation that satisfy the requirements of its customers, and be a Thomas Alva Edison-like great innovator at that time.

Part B

Explanation of future decision making of the QUINCE Company

In purpose to get a better and full understanding in the relationships between downsizing strategy and the financial pressures and therefore figure out a better solution to deal with financial woe in The QUINCE Company, we draw this casual loop diagram(Cuva,A ., 2015). In this diagram, the short-term-to-long-term consequences of downsizing causes by the financial pressure in the equipment service division of the company has been shown clearly, as same as the relationships between different variables in the loops (Businessclass, 2017). Since people of the service team and the finance teaminside the company held strong different views about their company’ strategies to deal with the financial troublethat whether downsizing strategy is the best way to deal with the crisis and further more, if the downsizing strategy is not the best solution, then which strategy/way should be chose to deal with the financial pressures currently that has been faced by the company (Sulaiman, J., 2017) The desire and urgency forced the administrators of the company must to find the appropriate way to conquer their financial crisis and hold the company together before all the company fall apart.

In this diagram, the sign of the arrow (the “+” sign for same and meanwhile the “-” for opposite) indicates whether the variable increases or decreases relative to the other variables. The sign of the loop types(the “Rs” sign for the reinforcing feedback loop, and the “Bs” sign for the balancing feedback loop, and all balancing feedback loop are goal-seeking processes) (Kim, D. H., 1992).

There are two balancing feedback loop and two reinforcing feedback loop in this diagram. The balancing feedback loop B1 shows the short-term behavior of using downsizing to combat financial pressure. While the reinforcing feed back loop R1, in other hand, draws out the long-term consequences of this behavior, showing that it actually increases financial pressures (Researchgate,2017). The balancing feedback loop B2 shows the real relationship between service personnel and the profits (Betterlesson, 2017). The reinforcing feedback loop R2 shows the possible way to increase sales (that is the advertisement), and further more the relationships between advertisements and the sales. Inside the reinforcing loop R1, the arrows with “+”sign show the possible way to increase the service quality, and the service quality variable directly increase the sales and profits consequently, and release or even deal with the financial crisis finally. And the balancing feedback loop B2 shows the possible way to increase the sales directly while has an opposite (sign “-”) affect on the profits.

The upper balancing feedback loop B1 shows the short-term behavior of downsizing without think the unintended consequences of this behavior. In short-term, downsizing strategy seems to improve profits by cutting the number of service personnel, which means fewer personnel costs and therefore fewer total costs, this consequence indeed seem to have higher profits correspondingly, and more profits to deal with financial pressure. In short-term, an increase in financial pressure directly makes the scale of downsizing of the equipment servicing division. An increase in downsizing of the division directly causes the decrease of the total number of the service personnel. A decrease in service personnel directly causes the decrease in workforce. A decrease in workforce causes decreases in service quality directly. A decrease in service quality causes directly in decreases in sales, and a decrease in sales causes the directly decreases in profits, and the decreases in profits make the financial pressure bigger directly.

But in the long-term (which has been shown in the reinforcing feedback loop R1), since the downsizing strategy decreases the number of the service personnel in the service division, which the variable is directly related to the workforce variable, since the number of service personnel decreases, and so each service personnel remain need to perform more service, and therefore the service quality for each service job decreases, and the sales decreases due to the decreases in the service quality, since the quality usually related to the CORE VALUE of a company (D,S. J., 2000), and the core value is the value that customers clarify one brand to another. Since the sales decreases, the profits go down, and the financial pressure is still there and maybe become even worse. So it is obvious that the downsizing strategy should not be taken as a long-term strategy of the company in order to deal with their financial woe. In long-term (shown by Loop R1), service personnel increases the workforce of the division, and workforce is the basic variable for service quality, and service quality related directly to the sales and profits, and profits is the one that has a directly positive effect on releasing financial pressures. So in the long-term decision making, we need to find out a way to improve service quality, and more directly, if possible, increase the sales and profits directly.

Archetype are useful for gaining insight into the “nature” of the underlying problem and for offering a basic structure or foundation upon which a model can be further developed and constructed. (Braun, W., 2002) The organizational archetype in QUINCE Company is a limit to growth archetype. Since in the CLD, we can easily identify that in the QUINCE Company there are the balancing feedback loops and the reinforcing feedback loops (systems-thinking.org, 2004). In this case, the company’s downsizing strategy swap outs service personnel, and in short-term it cuts the total costs of the business, but in long-term, it actually decreases the service quality, and service quality related to company’s reputation, and then decreases the sales and profits, and makes the financial woe worse.

So, in order to improve the future decision making, there are two solutions. One is shown in reinforcing feedback loop R2, which shows the way that use the advertisement as a way to increase sales directly. The relationships between sales and the advertisement is in a positive reinforcing feedback loop (Clay,J., 2010). An increase in advertisement increases the sales directly, and an increase in sales increase the profits directly, and so release the financial pressure of the company; an increases in sales also increase the amount spend on the advertisement since the company sees the positive effects of the advertisement; the second way to deal with the financial pressure is providing professional training can increase the workforce of every single service personnel by improving their skills level which in fact is improving their efficiency in providing service and means in the same period of time, each service personnel can performing more times of services to their customers with a better service quality(Miller,M., 2017). An increase in workforce increases the service quality, and then follows the reinforcing feedback loop R1, and increases the profit, and releases the financial pressures at the end. In other way, an increase in advertisement increases the sales directly (shown in the reinforcing feedback loop R2). While the advertisement increases the costs, and the costs decreases the profits, and then follow the long-term loop R1 (Thwink.org,2017). Indeed, the personnel cost, professional skills training, the advertisement fees and any other possible and applicable costs increase the total costs, and the total costs decrease the profits, and the decreases in the profits increases the level of the financial pressures.

In a conclusion, the administrators of the company need to make future decisions for the long-term profits which means they need focus on not only the short-term win or lose, or not even the short-term profits, but also and must to focus on the “bigger scale”, which means instead of just figuring out one small decision every single step in short-term strategies the company makes, they need to perform a critical and systematical decision making process that allows them to seeand get a clear idea about the whole picture of their own business (Systemsandus, 2007). First of all, they need to figure out what are their core values that keep the company steady in the professional business service, as well in their competitions in markets, and the core value is most like the “spare” of the company. In this case, their service quality is the most important,critical, and strategical business values to keep the company together. And the most of the most important part of this very business value is performed by the service personnel of the service division of the company. So instead of cutting off the positions of those very important personnel, the company should provide the professional skills training to improve the service team’s skills, and to sharp its “spare” and make it even more steady, and also, try as much as they can to keep all the positions inside the service division, that means increase the crews’ warfare, and give them more commitment, way of promotion, and a deep pride feeling about being the crew of the company. The company also need to see that the profits equal to the sales minus the all the possible costs, which refer to total costs (Spicar, R., 2014). Soonly perform a cutting in personnel costs may have a very limit effect tothe situation, and may not last long enough to release the real financial crisis, and the short-term decision may actually cut the very last chance of the long-term decision making, which is more important and vital to the biggest problem of the company it faced. And also, the solutions used to take care of the crisis themselves, may be problems also. Like the professional skills training, the advertisement fees, and the personnel costs in employees’ welfare, payments, and insurances are a heavy burden to keep important people, if the administrators can’t deal with the problems, then they will face new crisis related to the new solutions. If this happens, then the company would face a more complex problems, and no one could easily deal with it.



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Essay是一般意义上的英文论文,总体上分为introduction,main body 和conclusion三个部分。但是在写作essay前确实有很多工作要做的。

  • 研究题目






  • 列提纲



introduction也就是引言,作为文章开头的第一部分,它的内容一般用3-5句话概括一下你论文的背景、论点。因为essay的篇幅一般都是比较短的,所以引言部分是不能太长的,要做到精要简明,一般引言的开头句型有“As far as …is concerned 就……而言”

“There’s no denying the fact that…毫无疑问,无可否认”等等。



  • 结论


  • 注意


说到这里大家对于怎样写essay也应该有个大方向的了解了,essay的写作除了上述的一些重点,当然也少不了同学们在平时的日积月累,要知道只是知识并不是靠一天就能学成的,写作能力也不是一天就能练成的,当然如果您现在还没有把握写出优秀的essay,可以找我们Academic god专业代写机构,我们专业针对学生各种论文类型代写,旗下优秀写手众多更有专业级教授坐镇,只为保障您的论文质量。7*24小时在线客服竭诚为您服务,QQ:5757940欢迎您前来咨询订购。



  • 写作之前要进行基础设置


  • 进行样式方面的设置


  • 图表和公式的表述必须公正


  • 细节问题要及时调整



















  • 知名效应


  • 善于发现别人没有发现的问题


  • 从现有的问题中找到新问题


  • 发现问题的决定性要点

其实在学术界是有非常多理论都没有决定性证据的,即使他们在某些程度上看起来十分无懈可击,但是就因为缺少了决定性的证据所以使得其结果可能并不被认可。所以我们要通过发现并寻找出这类理论好坏或可行不可行的决定性证据来证明,同样想要做到这一点我们还是需要非常强的专业领域的知识储备,因为我们这样做其实就是在推倒或者改进前任的理论,难度是很大的,在寻找发现的过程中,你需要用强有力的证据来证明这个理论确实是存在关键问题的,并且要让阅读者认可你。比如:“著名实验薛定谔的猫说明了事物的不确定性,但整个实验之中有一个致命的问题是XXXXX,这个问题会导致研究结果和结论违反了物理定律…..” ,首先这个问题是非常著名的实验,现在你针对这个实验发现了一些问题,然后对其进行了一些分析,这样就会让别人对你的文章阅读非常的有欲望,非常想要看看你对于这件事情的看法或者见解。













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