Research paper 是留学生生活中很重要且必不可少的部分。撰写一篇优秀且能够获得高分的research paper需要注意很多小微细节。我们小编 专业文章代写公司发现了有一个重要的写作要素就是动词时态。准确动词时态的使用会直接提高全文章组织体系与前后关联性。同时我们paper代写网提醒学生也要考虑时间顺序上的变化来选择运用现在时或过去时。本篇文章将会分享文章代写中最常见的时态使用、基本动词使用规则和格式化风格,但是自己还是要彻底熟悉paper代写和老师要求的格式。
在research paper代写中有三个主要时态,就是:
• 现在时;
• 过去时;
• 完成时。
• 现在时用与描述一般事实;
• 讨论现在意义与启示;
• 建议未来的应用。
1. 一般事实不是由时间或地点而改变的事情。所以讨论科学事实时,总是需要运用现在时。
例: “Insulin and glucagon regulates blood glucose levels.”
2. 启示跟一般事实很相近,所以写作规则也是相同的。
例: “An elevated glucose level indicates a lack of glucagon hormones in the pancreas.”
3. 未来的研究运用现在时以强调或表示重要性。
例: “Further studies about glucagon receptors are needed.” (passive voice)
简单过去时用于讨论在过去某个时间阶段完成的事情。 经常被运用以描述离散事件,如读书、实验或观察到的现象。
例: “Scientists in Wales discovered a new enzyme in the liver.”
例: “Protocol X was used to analyze the data.” (passive voice)
完成动词时态在research paper代写中被运用以讨论在过去任何不定时间段发生的事请或情况,或者已发生了但现在仍继续进行中/刚才完成的事情。 这个时态一般在介绍 introduction部分中而运用以便建立背景信息、增加多关于你研究动机和目的的解释。值得注意的就是该时态是在research paper代写中最少被运用的,而且需要尽量避免运用该时态。最好专注在明确的事情并运用简单过去时 。
例: “Many studies have focused on glucagon as an important regulating hormone.”
例: “Until recently, researchers have analyzed this kind of data using a Chi- Square Statistic.”
例: “Efforts have been made to understand more about this process.” (passive)
我们再一次提醒大家,research paper代写中最”适合”的动词时态就是在老师给你的格式手册而指定的,不过不同格式之间有很高的连续性,因此下面的时态用法规则你们都可以适用于research paper代写。
摘要 Abstract
引导句(完成时态): “Recent research of glucagon and insulin production have led to breakthroughs in medicine.”
建立背景/状况/目标 (现在时态): “Diabetes caused a higher number of deaths in the US than previously calculated.”
事实陈述句: “In the United States, diabetes is the most common endocrine disease. ”
例子: “In 2015, diabetes was the most common endocrine disease.”
介绍 Introduction
在过去进行的研究: “The same research team discovered a similar enzyme in their study in 2012.”
例子: “Recent research has indicated a correlation between X and Y.”
结论句的例子: “The CalTech glucagon research was inconclusive. ” (过去时态)
结论句的例子: “Prior studies in this area have been inconclusive.” (完成时态)
更新的信息: “The CalTech study had found that X was Y, but study in 2012 discovered this to be incorrect.”
文献回顾 Literature Review
在literature review需要运用的时态有点复杂,因为你撰写文献的同时还需要遵守格式要求(APA, AMA, MLA 或其他引用格式)。当你写名词为主词的句子,一般需要运用简单过去时态,而然后讨论该研究的方法或结果。
例子: “Pearson (1997) found a new enzyme using similar methods.”
其他经常运用的动词: investigated, compared, studied, analyzed, investigated, found, confirmed, performed等等.
例子: “Ryuku (2005) points out that there are no additional enzymes present in the liver, a finding this current study directly refutes.”
其他经常运用的动词: stresses, advocates, remarks, argues, claims, posits. etc.
方法 Methods
当你描述你做了什么,请运用简单过去时态。你会发现当你描述人的动作时,经常会运用被动语态。这样的写作方式强调做了什么事情,而不是谁做了这个事情。尽管最近在research paper代写中被动语态是很常运用的,但混和运用主被动语态将提高文章的可读性。
研究的方法部分: “A glucose molecule was added to the mixture to find out how the peptide would respond.” (passive voice)
分析的方法部分: “The results were analyzed using Bayesian inference.” (passive voice)
例子: “Table 5 demonstrates the results of this first isolated test.”
例子: “The results of this first isolated test are demonstrated in the Table 5.” (passive voice)
结果 Results
例子: “The addition of 0.02μg of glycogen activated receptor cells.”
例子: “Receptor cells were activated by the addition of 0.02μg of glycogen.” (passive voice)
讨论 Discussion
总结自己的发现: “The experiment provided us a number of results associated with the processing of glucose.”
例子: “This study confirms that synthetic glucagon is two-thirds as effective at decreasing fatty acid synthesis.”
结论与将来的研究 Conclusions and Further Research
结论和将来研究的计划一般需要写在paper最后几个句子,并提出一些基础,而新颖的观点。请运用现在完成时态以表示你在research paper代写中提出的文章陈述还有效。
例子: “Results from this study have led to a deeper understanding about how different peptides interact in this enzyme.”
讨论新发现: “This study confirms that endogenous glucagon is even more essential in metabolism than previously thought.”
未来研究的计划: “Further clinical studies are needed/will be needed/must be carried out/should be carried out to isolate the cause of this reaction.”
我们小编专业research paper代写公司深信遵守以上的动词时态规则的话,你文章代写可读性就可以提高,时间顺序上也会更正确,research paper代写中的重点能够更容易被了解。分数也就跟着上去了!如果你难以记住所有上述的规则,并且无法理解research paper代写中不同部分动词时态用法的差异,请联系我们的专业团! 我们的专家是从世界顶尖大学的硕博士,他们知道并理解research文章代写的规则,并且将保证文章中不会出现时态错误用法或任何其他的问题。 如果你需要我们的research paper代写服务或有其他疑问,请联系我们的24 \ 7在线客服QQ/wechat:7878393